MikroTik Certfied User Management Engineer
MTCUME Contenido
PPP Profile
Local and remote addresses
Incoming and outgoing filters
Address list
Change TCP-MSS
Use encryption
Session timeout
Rate-limit configuration
Only-one setting
PPP Secret
Service and Profile
Local and Remote address
Routes configuration
Limit Bytes In/Limit Bytes Out configuration IP Pool
Set addresses ranges
Next pool options
PPTP Client configuration
Client setup
Set profile
Dial on demand
Add default route and static routes
PPTP Server configuration
Enable server
Setup profiles
Add clients to PPP secret
Set static interfaces for clients
L2TP Client configuration
Client setup
Configure profile
Dial on demand
Add default route and static routes
L2TP Server configuration
Enable server
Set profiles
Add clients to PPP secret
Set Static interfaces for clients
PPPoE server and client
PPPoE client configuration
PPPoE Server configuration
Interface ECMP (Set ECMP routes for PPP interfaces)
L2TP and EoIP
L2TP and BCP
Multilink Protocol
IPSec Peer
Create IPSec between two routers with NAT
HotSpot Login Methods (HTTP CHAP/PAP, MAC, Cookie, HTTPS, Trial, RADIUS)
Limit Uptime and Limit Bytes In/Out
Monitor Users
Bypass HotSpot (Walled garden, Walled garden IP, IP binding)
Customize HotSpot.
RADIUS client
RADIUS server
User manager
RADIUS incoming

Duración: 16 horas.

Dirigido a: Administradores de red, jefes de sistemas y operadores.

Requisitos: MTCNA.